
By CleanSteve


Late this afternoon I managed a few garden chores and took the camera. I saw the two Jays who I'd noticed for the first time in our garden a few days ago. The hopped around in the ash and then flew to the next tree and then another. I snapped one of them and now that I have seen the picture, I noticed it has a large tear on its left wing, as if it has been broken. But without the camera to freeze it's flight pattern, I would never have known. They seem very attached to each other.

Later after some watering plants, I noticed the sound of several Bumblebees buzzing around. I honed in and found them on the Ribes. I only had my lovely 50mm lens and have managed this shot, but it was tricky as the bees were hunting those blossoms in the shaded areas as if better fresh pollen was available in the flowers there. They are such a delight; so much friendlier than the wasp which stung me on my eyelid last year. Ouch, that hurt.

Our Town Council was one of the first to sign up to being Bee Guardians, encouraging the whole community to encourage nesting possibilities for all types of bees in both public and private spaces. Jessie and Carlo, the two founders are local and dynamic. Have a look at their website HERE. There is lots of info about how to help in your own garden.

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