A New Dawn

By anewdawn

Dear Delia

my malteser cake tastes lovely but looks like a pile of shite.
Do you have any tips on how one can get this looking truly scrumptious?

I have never been good with reading the small print, my approach to most things is to skim read and fly by the seat of my pants. I clearly failed to follow the most easy receipe ever. Hell knows how I'm an analyst.

My plans for this week have already gone tits up:

Walk part of way to work - unable to as rude fecker who was buying my car was 1 hour late in picking it up. No excuses just running late, seller of car, face like fizz.

Walk part of way home - too late, cold and foggy by the time I left

Eat healthy - couldnt be arsed creating by the time I got home, what can I throw in oven from freezer? And the pile poo from the fridge needed to be tested.

Start daily blips again, well I have managed that even though its very poor.

tomorrow is another day!

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