My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Goodevening all.

We had a long day today early start and then a trip to Colchester Zoo... Wish the weather was as good as yesturday but cant be helped it did get pretty cold. Lots of lovely Animal and at time feel sorry for them being locked behind a fence or glass. The monkey more so you can just see real emotion in their faces.

Here is one of our fave Animals though the Meerkat, Thomas and Olivia love them and the advert on TV. It was had taking photos today with lots of glass and fences but i tried my best.

Both kiddies are shattered and Olivia seems to be coming down with a cold again, very chesty cough.

Hope tonights blip is ok not my usual photo i know but he is pretty cute.

Happy weekend.

vicky. xxxxxx

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