Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

My love

The hands of my beloved, cradling a candle on a table at Take5 - a place that is so special to both of us. A place where we have dreamed dreams, wept in despair, made some lovely friends and where Rol works behind the bar now and again when he's not conducting non-religious funerals. Take5 has been owned by Marilda and Nic for about 20 years - it's opposite Norwich Cathedral on Tombland. Go there if you can.

My love sent me a text inviting me to join him for after-work drinks and I immediately said yes. I'm posting this whilst we await our takeaway curry which we will enjoy whilst snuggled up watching old episodes of Frasier. Bliss.

Then tomorrow I will take a coach at 7.30 to join the demo in London. The government are criminals and are destroying this country.

But I love my love and my love loves me.

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