Baby Belly

As you can see it's really getting in the way of my laptop usage at the moment!!

Aidan woke up early this morning. He always seems to do this on a Friday. Maybe I shouldn't let him nap as long on a Thursday?! Although I hate to wake Aidan from his nap as he often spends up to 20 minutes crying if I wake him. I don't cry when he wakes me!

He was a little tired for Monkey Music today but was much better behaved than last week. Uncle C helped me with Aidan at the class today. Next week is the last class of the term and daddy's turn to help. It's sad seeing other people enrolling for next term as we're not going to be able to keep it up. Aidan's been going since he was 12 weeks old.

Aidan had another big nap today, about 3 and half hours. Then my mum came over to pick Aidan up as he's staying over night with my parents. Hopefully Mr Mono can finish Aidan's new room off and we can get him moved in there tomorrow. I hope he'll like his new room! Once his room is done that will leave our bedroom and our hall as the only two areas we haven't decorated since we moved in.

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