Fighting fire with fire
An early blip today. Walking to work along Friargate I noticed fire engines and police vans up ahead. Smoke was emerging from the chimney of this boarded up building, and these firefighters were using oxyacetylene cutting gear to get inside. While they did so the smoke appeared to stop. (Squatters, I guess - maybe even my friend with the dog from three days ago.)
I enjoyed the grouping of the squad members and the way some of them looked curiously at me as I looked curiously at them. It was only when I uploaded the picture that I noticed the wonderful series of single words - FIRE - XPRESS - LOTTERY - CASH - RETRORAGS. There must be a story there....
The computer they've loaned me while mine undergoes repair doesn't allow me to download Picasa, so can't crop this as I would have liked. Microsoft Picture Manager is pants.
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