In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Parking Anarchy

This was a description given to me many years ago by a passenger in my taxi to describe the situation in Aberdeen.
People park where and when they like, because they get away with it.The police do not book illegal parkers nowadays, it is local city wardens that fulfill that fuction, not even traffic wardens.
People park and stop on crossings,(like the blip) zig zags, taxi ranks, the wrong way on one-way streets and sometimes a combination of all of the above, and I am, not joking. If you get a ticket you are unlucky, but do not expect the council to chase you up for the fine, it won't happen.
They do not tow away, because they say it is illegal do do so in Scotland, although they do in Edinburgh, and the most certainly will not clamp you, unless your road tax has expired, because that also is illegal.
I have seen a van full of policemen squeeze past parked cars in an area that is only supposed to be green disabled badge holders (seriously disabled) parking, not even blue disabled badge holders.All of the cars had no disabled parking badges at all. Oh and it is also a pedestrian only zone, apart from said badge holders and taxi's.
Do not get me started on private cars using bus/taxi lanes...

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