The Bridge

I am a very open minded person, I believe in what I see and feel. Firstly we were taken around the house with the lights on and then we split into three groups where we went off to various rooms lights off, torch light only. My experience was not scary but very emotional a thing called scrying, where I looked in a mirror, looked beyond ME and saw my face change into lots of different faces, my friends saw this too. I wasn't scared but I couldn't stop my eyes from crying. I used divining rods which were a tool for communicating with other spirits I must say there is NO WAY that I could have made them move on their own, It was a great night, I dont think that I believed everything that went on, BUT forever open minded. And each to our own thouhts.

To top the night it was well foggy coming home and more spooky than the night. I finally got home at 4AM, a few hours sleep then ready for Chinese New Year. A few other pics of the night are herethe scrying room with the crib, here the main room

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