Planko's Pics

By planko

Good Morning

The sky was a lovely golden colour this morning, so i decided to take a crazy Ivan detour again on way to work and headed down a road I'd never been down before, towards the fishery (must go there when he's back open).

Suit and dress shoes prevented me from heading over the grass to the tay, so took this instead. On way back i was challenged by a council worker saying "Who are you?". Politely told him i was just taking a picture on my way to work, and it turned out his parents live by the water and he was away to say it was ok to take a wander through their garden.

We then got chatting about cameras and taking pictures, and he told me that he likes taking shots of what he sees as hes going about his work. I told him all about Blip.

Must get some cards printed at the same time as I get my business cards done, as that's about the fifth time this week I've had to say "blip photo dot com but with an f instead of p"

Not the best shot I've taken, but i was rushing to work. Next time I'll have the filters with me, and use the tripod and spend more time framing the shot....


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