Col B 34

By colb34

pleasant pheasant

Finished work early so had some time to enjoy the glorious sunshine. On my way to Salisbury I spotted this fellow glistening in the spring rays. Being in the car had its challenges so blipping went something along the lines of:

1. blip-spot*
2. blip-park**
3. blip-spotted***
4. blip'n'run****

* to suddenly glimpse a great photo unexpectedly
** to suddenly pull over (probably into a slightly boggy layby) after reversing a short distance down a single track country road
***to be seen 'blip-parking' by the gentle older couple on an afternoon stroll who become so concerned with your erratic driving that they approach the car to see if you are ok. It may also involve pretending that you had to suddenly take an important phone call which explains the drastic driving and parking manoeuvre.
****wait until the blip-spotters are out of sight, hit the hazard flashers, jump a small ditch, take as many shots as you can, then pray that you can get the car out of the slightly boggy layby.

I may get a little hazard triangle with a camera icon to put out behind my car.

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