
By Frontier

Pure Sexy

The epitomy of masculine excellence but not overly aggressive. With a cigarette in one hand and a glass of red wine in the other, there is no other way of complementing his incredibly conservative pinstripe blazer except his sexy smile.

Perhaps it's not a smile, but a grin that just says, "Ladies, may I escort you to my mansion where we can play gin, or venture onto the riviera on my yacht. Pierre will be able to sail us around and we can see the sites, all while my driver, Didier, is waiting in the car, as per instruction, to jettison us to my private room at the casino..." This said all with sexy music playing in the background.

Paul Mauriat, you are amazing....the king of all pimps.

A small "taste" of what the man has to offer. The picture says it all.

Paul Mauriat's A Flower is All You Need

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