GAD's 365


Spring has arrived!

Actually today it felt like spring has been missed out all together and summer has been rolled in. It's been glorious.

Lots to report. Firstly, thanks again for all the Cluny well wishes. He's still at the vet. Tomorrow they're going to operate on him. I'll not go into all the gory details, but lets call it a 'clear out'. Hopefully he'll be home by friday. We called in to see him and he's looking perky.

Cyril the Smart Car went in for a service. Smart cars might be cheap but being serviced by Mercedes isn't cheap. Wallet has taken yet another thumping.

I do have a rather weird occurrence to report. I sold some camera gear on a photography forum so today I was posting a parcel out. When I went to print the recipient's address, I realised it was going to a guy that I had met last week on a totally unrelated work matter. He lives the other end of the country. Really bizarre coincidence.

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