Wistful moments

By KathM


Only 4 hours of sleep after a night shift...oh joy! However the sun was shining and it was actually quite warm so probably better to have enjoyed the weather and catch up later on my slumber. Took myself off to the park again and it was beautiful seeing the blossom against a brilliant blue sky. The ducks were as photogenic as ever but decidedly sleepy (i know the feeling) and the little stream was very pretty but i know will be around a lot longer than the blooms therefore the choice was made.
I then spent an hour in the garden having a much needed tidy up. Think the first cutting of the lawn is on the agenda for tomorrow, and then i've decided to take myself off to the flicks for a matinee performance. It'll be the first time ever going on my own, but armed with a choc ice i think i'll cope ;-)

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