All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Blue & Green

This is one of the images I had an idea for when I went out for my wander yesterday. Despite taking several shots though using different settings, I couldn't get it to turn out how I wanted it to look. I guess I was trying to get the blue fence as the main focus with the Pentland Hills soft in the background, but I just couldn't get it sharp enough for my liking. Mind you, I probably did give up fairly quickly as I felt a bit of an idiot crouched by the fence taking photos of it when there were so many office workers walking past me!

Behind the blue fence is actually where the tram tracks are going to be laid. It's all a bit of a mess there at the moment though - I think that's a blip for another day!

Ethan has been very grumpy since I picked him up from nursery and very clingy. On a positive note though he did eat lots of dinner! I commented to hubbie earlier that I hate the fact on working days, by the time I pick him up at 5pm, I'm only ever getting to see a tired and grumpy Ethan. Looking forward to my day off with him tomorrow though.

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