Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Remember the grand house I blipped

where they all kept carking it .... or lobbing themselves down wells in a hissy fit.... WELLLLLLLLL this is on the estate at Clopton House and this is the Victorian bathing pool.... it's fenced off as the water is deep but with the sun out the reflections are quite nice.
Had my two pooches with me and my two spare pooches I walk for my friends and we were out for ages to make the most of the weather and dried up muddy paths.Well,they are not muddy are they as they are dried so that was badly written....

The House of doooooooommm.

I need to say,that NO ONE has drowned in this pool... it's the above ground well 50 yards away...I shall blip it tomorrow if I can xxx

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