
By Skyroad

Spring Image

Lovely day, though it clouded, or mellowed, towards late afternoon. I took the wean to see grandmama in the respite unit, where she'll be staying till Friday. She was glad to see us but not in great form, tired and a bit depressed at her own helplessness.

Afterwards I took him to the indoor playground up the mountains, his favourite stomping ground. I was slightly taken aback to find the vast carpark almost deserted (it's usually crowded). I later learned that the big gym housed under the same roof has closed down. Thankfully, they won't be closing the playground.

I spotted the deer on the edge of the carpark just before we pulled in and he asked me to photograph it. He was excited and a little nervous as we quietly approached. The deer didn't spook till he made a sudden movement, and even then it only moved sideways, further into the gorse. It was easy to take a few shots, till he made another sudden movement (not deliberately) and the deer finally retreated downhill.

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