Just cos it was there
As opposed to many of my more interesting blips of late that have been taken with my great little compact, this image in all its dullness has been taken with the most sophisticated camera I have ever owned.
I only got it at the weekend and have been trying hard to get to grips with it in preparation for a 'sort of second interview' tomorrow that takes the form of a practical exercise. So lots of reading the manual, pressing buttons and then reading the manual some more. While I won't have mastered all its features I'm thinking that it's much better low-light performance will make it worth taking as my main camera, and use my trusty old D70 as a back-up, rather than vice versa.
<geek on>
I mean this was taken with ISO set at 6400 and looks better than my D70 images looked two whole stops less than that.
<geek off>
Won't say too much more just now, in case I jinx things, but fingers crossed I can at least give a good account of myself to give myself a chance of getting it.
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