The Way I See It. . .

By afv


It was homecoming night, last night at my Uni. Suprisingly, they had a homecoming dance. When I first heard about it, I thought to myself, "homecoming dance"? I only thought they had those in high school! Anyways, the baseketball game was good (by the way, we also had a homecoming king and queen too!). I thought it was funny, so then me and my friends proceeded to the dance. They were serving drinks, and by drinks I mean, margaritas, tequilla sunrises, sour midouris...MINUS the booze. My friends and I were pretending we had waaay too much to drink, andthen we started dancing. Since we were completely sober, we found it hard to we started dancing all crazy, and I started doing dance moves from Hitch (the q-tip, rolling the dough..etc). Anyways, we only stayed for two hours..then left.It was horrible, but I just wanted to see what it'd be like. Anyways, walking back to my friends flat was fun because we kept trying to jump in the air to put our feet together to the side,but I tripped...but Susa and Erik were able to do it!

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