A chef's day...

By chef

Butterflies in their tummies!

Or they will have on thursday. These are (uncooked) biscuits for my employer's 2 yr old daughter's birthday party on thursday. I think I will ice them too if I get the time.

New chef started today and all is well. I can't wait to get back into a normal routine for the kitchen. I wonder how long I will be here for. I will have been here 4 years in July which is the longest I have ever worked in one place for. But it is 30 minutes drive away and twice a day it is costing me a lot in petrol now the prices have gone up. I just wish my boss would realise that but he is totally oblivious. Anyway, I can cook my food anywhere so we'll see!

(Edited)here is the iced version in two days time

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