wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


Started my new job today. Now really rather tired. Bedtime. Replies tomorrow.

Job will be good, once my position description is finalised and I know exactly what I'll be doing. Basically a liason position between a social welfare organisation (for want of a better description. I'm sure I'll find a better one sometime soon) and local parishes and other assorted people. Or something along those lines. Today I had induction stuff - intranet, emails, fire escapes, all that jazz, plus visiting some of the accommodation the organisation is involved with. All very interesting. At the end of it all, catching a taxi back to the office, I got to finish the cab driver's crossword. He was completely stuck, and handed it to me (as we were speeding along a highway), and asked if I knew either of the two remaining answers. When I worked one out, he whipped a pen into my face and told me to fill it out, 'quickly quickly, before it's forgotten!!!'. Of course, having made this connection, he then told me his life story. All I asked was 'Busy day?'. And it was only a 15 minute journey...

Hadn't a clue what to blip, but noticed the pretty reflections in my mirrors as I was driving home from Bible study, so here you go. Bit of an emergency blip, but not as much as my other option. That'll pop up sometime this week probably. I do like the way the lights have wafted across the smudges on the windows.

I was only going to write a line or two. Fail. Night all. Or have a lovely afternoon if that's your time. Good evening to some. Good morning to others.

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