
By Poppy

Minature Daffodils

After a wonderful 12 hours of sleep - I really must have needed it - I woke up ready to face the world and whatever it wanted to throw at me! What it did throw at me was that one of my bantams, the little black one, had died overnight. She had not been herself for a few days, there was nothing that I could see wrong with her but she was always the smallest and the most nervous and flighty of the three bantams.

I dug a hole for her and while I had the spade in my hands decided I might as well do a bit of gardening and tidying up in advance of the spring work. I planted out all the hyacinths and narcissus bulbs that had been flowering in the house over the last month or so, and then came across these wee daffodils, blooming away quite happily in the shelter at the bottom of the wall. Lovely to see them, even though I had to almost lie on the soil to blip them.

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