And Show the World You Love Them....

Being a parent is the most awesome responsibility in the world. Full stop.

You want to support your child, without being pushy.

You want to prepare them for disappointments, but hope that they experience unexpected achievements.

You don't like to have to force them into situations you would rather walk away from, but only experience tells you that "encouraging" them gently to face their fears is the right thing to do.

With Boy, it was a cold winter's evening. I forced him into doing something that I knew, that once he had taken the step he would love it with all abandon. It didn't stop me, once I had left him to his fate, driving to my mum and crying and worrying until it was time to collect him. And when I did collect him, it was a hyperactive, exceptionally happy, exhausted and slightly filthy child I took home.

With Girl, it wasn't quite so cold, but it was dark. We talked through what she could do. We talked over avoidance. We talked about compromise. I left her at the door with the promise of a text if she needed me. She didn't need me, and she too came home, happy and giggling.

I remember the feeling of having to "do" things, and it made me sick with fear, but then I realised everyone feels the same.

The first step is the hardest one, but with gentle encouragement and reassurance that it can be stopped, you can encourage your child to do anything, and be anybody they want to be. Confidence is all it takes, and if you can fake it, they can have it.

That is all.

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