Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Tulip in the Sun

A lazy flower blip :)

A bright, clear day with a bit of a wind. The temperature in the sheltered south facing garden reached a heady 22 degrees. Bit of a change from scraping the ice off the car last Monday.

A colleague and I went on a mission at lunchtime, as this involved him paying for my lunch I was happy to help him complete the mission. The things we do to assist our workmates getting the necessary results!

Caught young master Jake clearing his nose in a footballer styleee on to my garden before he entered the house. Suffice to say,after my chastisement, it will be a long time before he contemplates that particular action again. You have to wonder what gets into them

And I can report that Mr Lif is now free from swellings and is able to hobble along nicely on his badly bruised foot.

All is good, for a Monday........

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