
By robbryce


On the eve of the Spring Equinox I decided a little sanctuary was required. I needed to remove myself from the world for a few hours, to somewhere that silence would be respected. God knows it's a scarce commodity these days!

So despite a badly bruised and smashed up foot, from squash yesterday, I decided to make my way across country, to a Cistercian Monastery which I visit occasionally.

It had been a busy week with too much noise. I don't know about you but noise clutters my head - my vision becomes blurred - and I fail to see with that lucidity which enables me to do what I do in my working day ... produce film.

Just as I was about to leave, out of the blue came an email from a fellow blipper On the Rocks whom I had sent a film link too. I like his work - it's risky and it's edgy yet it's always compassionate and real.

Here's the short film which I sent to him and which I know elaborates more succinctly what I'm trying to say here; never ever judge a book by it's cover!

Silence these days - it seems to me - is a lot like compassion, it's becoming much harder to find.

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