Another Day

By pcc

Agapantha seed heads.

Over the weekend we were waiting for another large earthquake.
Well last night just before 10pm, we had a 5.1, which shook the house like a jar of marbles - but there was no damage. So the big one still may come, as the time space is for still a couple more days - all to do with the full moon and the hight tides.!! Hoping not, as really even the scientists have no idea.

Tonight we have the AGM for our Nature Photography Club, so I will be out, and will not have time to make comments. We are having to use temporary club rooms, as our ones were destroyed in the February earthquake.

But thanks everyone for all the comments, and hearts for yesterdays effort.
Today it was also hard to find something, but eventually I came up with these seed heads.
Lensbaby, macro +4, no aperture.

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