Just the Withers......

By JaneW

We could not find a duck to join us...

So we went it alone..... this is Eve and I ... Eve is my middle baby she is 10 going on 40 ... a grown up 40.... she is NOTHING like me,she is her Dad...well she is not her dad as such as he is a man... ANYWAY... she is kind,caring,good at school,worries about people and is sensitive and not shallow as a puddle,unlike her childish mother :D
We are having a wonderful weekend,it's been t-shirt weather for some.. not me,I have just dumped the jacket but long sleeves still rule.

Mrs Toms just asked how I did it... we have an AQTY pack our Sony fits in... got it from the States...I really want a Panasonic water proof but this is a cheaper option....

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