Diana_Field Photography

By dianafieldphoto

79 / 365 - I haven't forgotten...

I had another idea for today's photo but couldn't find any of my old toy cars... :( That will wait for another day...

I did however find my old diary I used to write in so I'll have a giggle reading back through that a little later.

Anyway, it's April Fool's coming up soon, and only one person played a trick on me last year - who funnily enough mentioned it the other day that it was coming up soon. I hope she doesn't think I'm not going to get her back this year? Although I think she might have something up her sleeve so I'm going to have to watch out... I will get you back this year.

Don't think I've forgotten... hee hee hee hee :D xx


30 Day Song Challenge

Day 06 - A Song That Reminds You Of Somewhere

In The Zone - Britney Spears is old but it reminds me of a section of my childhood junior school playground... (can't remember which year) but I remember trying to perfect the lyrics and the dance moves every break time with friends haha!

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