Susan i Oslo

By susanioslo

New directions :)

365 - Wow....I cant quite believe it myself - Ive never completed anything like this before and I feel a ridiculous sense of accomplishment :)

Thank you - Thank you everyone here in blipland - Thank you to friends and family that follow me here and have tolerated me with my camera 24/7 this past year :) Thank you especially to those that take the time to come in and comment from time to time. It has meant a lot to me.

I had had a good plan for my 365th blip - but it vanished when I realized I would be sitting in a conference room in Berlin until lunch and then spending most of the rest of the day heading home. I tried doing some things on the plane that didnt work - I even asked and was given permission to take a photo of thepilots in the cockpit - But it looked silly :)

So today we have a compass :) Not quite the "going out with a bang" photo but it at least has some symbolic value. Elisabeth and I bought these about a year ago when we were biking in Mallorca - the idea was to have something that would remind us to take a look at our lives every once in awhile and make sure we were heading in the right direction - that direction being what ever direction we want to be going in - the point is to be aware of where life is taking us :)
Blip has been a wonderful focus for me - it has taken me places and pushed me into directions I didnt dare to even hope for. Blip has been very good for me on many levels.

I am not going to continue posting everyday - but I cant imagine leaving blip either....Im quite addicted I think :)

You all make this an amazing web community - always kind, very generous and full of inspiration. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you....

:) Susan

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