
By Kookyinthelakes

Latest addition

What a long weekend I'm having! Have avoided hangovers but I'm very tired, having people in the house has affected my sleep. Had a great catch up with my 2 best friends and then when they were on the road home I headed off to a family party.
I'm actually not used to photographing people and it's been hard work taking photos of family today. My Nana was calling me David Bailey at one point. I have a new found respect for photographers who specialise in photographing children and animals - I definitely need more practice.
This bundle of cuteness is the latest addition to the family and she is just gorgeous. She's just started smiling and we spent ages trying to get her to smile for the camera but she wasn't having it. Still, I love this shot of her staring at the camera.
Time for an early night now, I need some beauty sleep.

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