aging hippy

By aginghippy

From tree to parchment

Jerry Jones of Shadowhouse Creations creates the most amazing masking backdrops and textures which he happily shares with everyone.
I noticed among his Parchment textures a "We the People" textured background based on The Constitution of the United States of America.
In the garden we have a very old Japanese birch tree where the woodpeckers sometimes are and the bark looks like parchment.
This got me thinking, which is dangerous at the best of times !!
Photographed the tree with three superimposed exposures on one frame at varying f- stops.
Then on my mac edited out the background on the tree photograph and masked in the textured background and edited the detail in Topaz and ColorFxPro.
The words are not just on the background but also embedded into the tree itself which I thought was pretty cool.
I normally never experiment this radically but I thought the combination of the 2 elements works quite well.
Hope you enjoy it.


D700 105mm macro at f2.8 f5.6 and f18 1/160 ISO25 Polarizer filter Manual Focus

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