Photo Thoughts

By CatheeSoo

US Navy Blue Angels

We decided to go see the Blue Angels today. They haven't been to Keesler AFB since 1978 and I had never seen them perform. It was amazing!! Everything was so precise and so ceremonial right down to the ground crew assembling on the tarmac. As we were walking in a F-16 was flying over and this may sound crazy, but it brought tears to my eyes. The sound of freedom. Being on the Air Force Base made me nostalgic for my Army days. Those were some of the best days of my life, of course things were a bit different in the 90s though. Still, it brought back a lot of memories of posts I had been on and things I had done as a soldier.

It was hard to pick just one photo to put up. It was very hard to photograph these guys, they were fast and I just have a dinky little camera, but I still managed to get about a dozen good shots that I keep looking at. In the end I chose the picture with all six planes in it.

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