Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog

Summer Cabin

On the northern fringe of Baildon Moor, just over the boundary wall, are a few cabins like this one, which I assume are summer cabins, although I've never seen signs of one being occupied.

lonely cabin ~ tar paper ~ peeling ~ home ~ of the curlew

I don't know anything about the history of the cabins, although they aren't on the First Edition 1893 OS Map.  I would hazard a guess at them dating from between the wars, perhaps associated with the clearance of the nearby hamlet of Sconce in 1934/5.  The story of this north-eastern corner of the moor is told very fully in an article by Joyce Percy on the Lost Villages of Baildon Moor.  You can see a small set of images from an earlier visit here.

It certainly is a beautiful spot, with plenty of Curlew and one pair of Oystercatchers in the vicinity today.

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