
By cracker

Waratah Bay

Today Kaz and I went for a bike ride before breakfast while Mum looked after Spence. It was a bit windy but a lovely morning for a ride! We came home and Spence said to us 'Mummy, can you take me to the beach please'!! How could we say no to that!! We packed up a few things and headed off to Waratah Bay! I called my cousin Kim who is pregnant and due in 8 days to see if we could catch up some time in the next week and she said that she would love to meet us at the beach! She looks really good and said that she feels great too! She lives near the beach at Sandy Point and her and her husband, Tristan go for a walk every day along the beach. It would be so good to live near the beach!

We played on the beach for a bit and went for a walk, Spence had a great time! We came home, had lunch then packed the car and headed down to my brother, Craig's, beach house. We are staying here for a week or two!! It is right near the beach, about one minute walk so we can't wait to play tomorrow!! Kaz has to work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday but can do it from here so that is good!! Spence and I are having lunch with my sister, Shell, and another friend Stacey tomorrow so that should be lovely!

I took this shot today when we at the beach with Kim. The wind had caused lots of ripples to form in the sand and there were bits of weed poking up!

I was too exhausted to blip yesterday so here is a backblip of the awesome sunrise we had yesterday!!

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