
By napoleon

Mixed emotions

Back-blip, about 7 months late, so details are hazy.

This poor bird got stuck in our back garden. It's a young gull that hadn't quite learned to fly, and couldn't get back off the ground, so he was stranded while it's mum or dad circled overhead trying to encourage it to get moving.

So I felt sorry for it, but at the same time really wanted it to feck off. They can't half make a racket. It was squaking away pretty much all evening and all night, with that annoying young gull / pterodactyl croak. He also sh@t all over the back garden, as you can see. Cheers buddy.

I looked up on the net what you're supposed to do with stranded young birds, and apparently you have to just leave them. They eventually get the strength up to go.

Crap photo though. We're on the top floor, and it was getting dark, so I couldn't get a good shot.

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