All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Pondering .... or prodding sore gums?

Blooming 'eck! All week has been a bad one when it came to Ethan's sleeping. And every night has been worse than the night before. As for last night ... took me right back to the newborn days. I was so tired I finally decided to have my early night and went to bed at 7.45pm. However, Ethan had other ideas and was up howing only 1/2 hour after going to bed. Took ages to resettle him, then 1/2 hour later he was up again. And so the pattern continued. By 5am I'd managed only 2 hours of sleep myself. By then, Ethan was dosed up on baby nurofen and was in our bed, but he was very distressed. Hubbie got him some milk and finally Ethan dozed off until 7am. He had a very brain dead mummy and daddy today. I did feel sorry for Grandpa too as he had stayed overnight and was "sleeping" in the room next to Ethan - don't think he got much sleeping done either!

Just like Granny & Grandpa experienced yesterday, Ethan wasn't himself today either. He snuggled up to me lots and apart from breakfast, he wouldn't eat much. We did take him out in the afternoon to visit the new Dobbies Garden Centre which opened near Livingston yesterday. He seemed happy enough sitting in the trolley, trying out the garden swings and looking at the exotic fish for a wee while. Back home again though and he reverted to sad Ethan again. He curled up on my chest and slept for ages. I only managed to get him to eat some porridge and a yoghurt for dinner although he had loads of milk. Dread to think what sort of night we're in for again tonight!

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