See The World

By Firesnapper

Dummies that Save!

I was servicing my C.P.R Manikins for a course that I am delivering on Monday, I turned them to the side and thought "Perfect for Blip"!

Did you know that in the UK 111,000 people will have a "Heart Attack". And I ask you the viewer to think "Do I know what to do", sadly the vast majority of the public in the UK have never learned C.P.R!

Please if you do not know, LEARN.

Too many people are dying who should have been given the right to fight for their life, by the time the paramedic arrived it was too late............. nobody had knew how to administer C.P.R in those first few vital minutes!

C.P.R is easy to learn, takes around a couple of hours at most and by administering it to a casualty, you will give the paramedics a fighting chance to save a life. In many cases, the action of clearing the airway is all that is needed, it could be your son, daughter, brother or sister .......... don't they deserve a chance if something goes wrong??



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