MoonKats Pixels

By GailJones

Red Nose Day

An ordinary Friday, and ordinary work day..but there was something different about I did something really scary. may think i'm mad - I'm just one of the thousands of people, that get freaked out by things that are considered 'normal'

1) hair salons <shudder> -complete
2) dance classes <not so shudder> -one month and counting
3) escalators/lifts
4) small rooms, lots of people
5) any public transport (unless I've had a few)
6) training courses (the ones where they say "right, I would like everyone to stand up one at a time and talk about themselves, for two minutes") I would rather have root canal.

I am personally challenging myself to do things that scare me just to prove to myself that I am not actually I went to a salon, had my hair washed twice (?), conditioned, had a head massage and finally cut and blow dry.

One hour of pure fear. I must go bark at my lampshade... :)

Photo: this doesn't prove I am under the thumb at all

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