Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

Some days I just want to cram as much as I can into the three hours that Murron is at nursery. I want to go to the beach and run about wildly, sit in a cafe and people watch, go up to the Lammermuirs and drink in that view, swim, run, daydream a little, dance about to really loud music, sketch, make collages in the book Hope gave me, write, take photos, take more photos..... So why do I always seem to find myself standing in some dreary aisle in Tescos or hoovering up dog hair? If only three hours felt like six.

On a more sombre note, I heard today that Harry Horse and his wife had been found dead in their home on Shetland. We love his stories in this house, but sadly it seems that the big man with the big heart felt it was time to go. Sleep well Harry.

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