Roly's Life

By Roly

The things you see on Red Nose Day...

As it is Red Nose Day the big children had to wear their pyjamas and noses to school, so of course it rained... Anyhow, we made it despite bloody infuriating can't keep a thing Ally being unable to find his coat.

Then into town for a quickishcoffee and cake with my lovely friend before hitting the Art Gallery for "Baby Painting" with Red. He was a bit reluctant at first but then he discovered he could stand in the paint and slide on the big plastic sheet on the floor...

We had a quiet afternoon to build up strength for our evening, as Ben is at Cheltenham Gold Cup today. I had the Cub/Beaver runs to do as well as a freecycle trampoline to collect for Red - and for once, the group visiting the fire station included one of my children Ally is on the far left in his "spare" coat!.

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