I wanna Guard your Dreams and Visions...

If you rise early enough, and you know the places to visit; if you sit quietly enough and are patient, you might see it.

The Lesser-Spotter-Scout-Mogli is rarely seen, but as the mornings get brighter, earlier, and Twittervation is in mind, he can be seen, scavaging amongst the bracken and scrubland, looking for materials which with he can build.

Build what? I hear you say. A Love Nest, with which he will woo a mate.

He is very selective, and over the half and hour I watched this specimen he chose sticks, and threw them away, only taking those which met his exceptionally high standards.

After collecting sufficient materials, he got back in his craft (Ford Focus), and headed off to the town, where he collected sufficient produce with which to concoct a rather lovely Steak Pie. He rather hoped this steak pie would entice his would-be partner to look lovingly upon the nest building and lend a hand.

But since the would be partner would rather pull her toenails out than play in a room with 40 10-13 year old boys, the Lesser-Spotter-Scout-Mogli headed off to the Scout Hall on his own, to play with like minded maniacs.

But cheers mate! The Steak pie was gorgeous! And watching your butt while you picked sticks was highly entertaining.

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