
By ausmossie

Fries Make Me Smile

I have to apologise for yesterdays out of focus pic. I REALLY need to wear my glasses when I am on the computer.

I also want to thank everyone for the comments about the blip from the day before.

And now to today's...

I was in KFC eating lunch and this little boy was sitting next to me. In his hand you can see the ketchup packet. In China a lot of people tear off the corner of the ketchup packet and squeeze it along the edge of the french fries then eat them. I am not sure about other places. I was absolutely amazed to watch the dexterity of this 2 or 3 year old boy when he was doing it. He wasn't covered in ketchup. and he was very particular about making sure each bite had some ketchup on it. I have been told that kids usually use a spoon to eat their meals when they are small but I have seen kids as young as this using chopsticks. I bet this little fella can.

His mum was very proud that the foreigner with the big camera wanted to take a picture of her son. She was a smart lady too because she knew exactly why I was taking the pics and tried to encourage him to hold up his hands so I could get a pic.

I won't be around for a few days. I am off on vacation for 9 days hopefully taking some interesting pics for you.

Take care blippers.

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