hello again

By admirer


the sails removed long time ago, stays intact as a home, a rather nice one, I think. The aerea south-west of The Hague has been turned almost completely in building-ground for houses, villas and huge castle-like homes.
A woman with grandchild, on her way into the farm, who saw me looking at the map asked where I headed for and if she could help. Being somewhere for the first time gives me the opportunity to increase my insight in the relation of my surroundings and the spot on the map. I answered that I did look for some nice path through pure nature. There is not much left here, she said, if you go to Schipluiden (much more south) there is still a horizon free from obstacles (if you can put it that way). But to go there can wait till the weather will be sunny again. Before the drizzley rain came I was back and started to look at my photos.

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