The Untrained Eye

By untrainedeye

Man down!

Policeman: Hello, hello,hello! Looks like we've got a problem 'ere. Possible an 'omicide.

Voice from crowd: He just stepped on the board ,Officer , and he just fell over.

Voice from the ground: I'm OK. Just pull me off the board and ( pathetic voice ) I'll be alright later....

Girl voice from crowd ( the knowledgeable voice of contemptuous reason) : Course he'll be alright. He's not like us....

Crowd: Gasp, muttering of indignation.....racist...homophobic...

Same girl from crowd: He's from Playmobile and we are from...Legoland !!

I'm still babysitting my grandson and I am now an expert on plastic toys. Lego figures ,though of similar scale, have feet which click onto the board and are different feet to ......

Well, maybe it's not that interesting.

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