as a courtesy
I did wonder about just using a different rubbish shot of a tap on the bathroom sink and not bothering to spend a few minutes fishing out propercamera and buggering about taking a picture of the phone screen with it before re-taking a picture from the phone of the propercamera's screen, reasoning that a few minutes not spent buggering about was a few extra minutes trying to sleep. The few minutes saved would have been as futile in the war against sleep deprivation as the attempt to delay the time at which I would wake up by switching off most alarms on my phone after taking the picture of the alarm clock icon. I still hadn't got to sleep by the time the squeaking and coughing started and I popped through to hide under the duvet in his room in case he tried to cough himself sick, still hadn't slept (though had had some eyes-shut time, which helps a bit) by the time the smell became apparent, had to wake up slightly more in the greater levels of lighting required to perform the rare night-time bumchange and didn't get to sleep until after Nicky took over and successfully got the now significantly less squeaky and coughy and smelly wingpiglet back to sleep sometime after two. Despite the continued failure to achieve his seventh ever night of sleeping all the way through (there have been some close shaves but waking up before five makes it not count) the amount of times he stands up at the edge of his cot in order to wail more effectively had fallen almost to zero before jumping up again to over fifteen.
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