This day

By snapper

Back to work!

God today h as draaaaged on, thought 5pm was never going to come! It didnt help that it was a nice sunny day either!
Yesterday I got a tidal clock with a gift voucher that #2 daughter had given me so today hubby just clock watched to see if it tallied with his superdooper iphone app! honestly men!
I decided to go out and saw a couple of fancy looking geese but by the time I had put the 300m lens on the wee camera and futtered about to get the camera and lens to synch, the geese had swam off and were by now on an island laughing their goosey heads off at me. I drove on further into Tayvallich and grabbed a few shots with the long lens but as its an old Canon FD lens fitted with an adaptor onto a micro four thirds Lumix, I was having to use the external view finder so I was struggling on all counts. As a result none of the pics are as sharp as they ought to be! I must get another FD adaptor as that one always gives me jip and I usually have to give the camera a good shoogle (which really is not too good for it!)
Today I really wish I had my camera at the ready for this morning Abbie dog was sitting on top of the chair and so sound a sleep she fell off! what a laugh and her face was priceless to look at.
Missed my camera club last night due to being in Oban but next week will be their dinner as it ill be the last evening of the season.

Well I suppose I have to go and cook the dinner, Bully beef tonight with mashed tatties and beetroot, a lazy dinner. p

Have a tasty blip evening all

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