Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Tough Act to Follow

About 5 weeks ago, I looked at my lovely African Violets and wondered how they would do moving to a new space in the office. This one went to live at my mum's house, but, as you can see, I discovered today that one of the plants that made the move with me decided to bloom! Now, how can I justify sulking and being all out of sorts about the move when this little friend is showing me up by *blooming*!!!

I, on the other hand, still catch myself landing in the break room, when I was aiming for the printer, and having to stop mid stride as I head for my old desk. I've been an absolute glumfeather and I simply must fix my attitude so I can catch up with this silly little bloomer!

I met my dad this afternoon and had a wonderful little coffee break with him. Mid visit, he received a phone call on his cell phone. As I sat listening politely ignoring his conversation, I pondered how valuable the years spent hanging around him, while he talked with customers on the phone, or over the counter, were. Some girls might be comforted by taking a walk with their dad or another activity. I find the most peace, just quietly sitting while I hear him banter pleasantly with someone in the community. That picked up my mood too! Thanks, Dad!

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