As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

It's More Than Just A Letter

The weather for most of the day was quite dreary but during track the sun came out and it felt splendid. I missed 6th, 8th, and 9th period to work on Rube Goldberg. I didn't even expect to miss those last two but people came into my classes and told me that I had to come so I went. We have a working and decent-looking machine. I'm sooooo excited for Michigan!

Tough workout at track today...but it felt good. I went straight to tennis from track and then home to shower, have a piano lesson and eat dinner at 8:45. And to top it all off, my brother just started strangling me because I was on the computer and went to take the dog out so he logged me off and when he went to the bathroom I logged back on. My dad came running down the stairs to "take control of the situation as any good parent would do" by yelling at me to get off of my brother and stop being so immature. He sits on the computer all day every day and does nothing of importance and refuses to let me use it when I need it. He always finds one barely important thing to do just when I need the computer. I can't stand it. He just ruined my night.

Oh, and he claims that he knows soooo many people that hate me? If anyone hates me, just let me know. I'd rather try and change what you hate about me than just go on being hated.

At least Chelsea doesn't hate me :)

Sorry about complaining about my boring life.

Word of the Day: Apposite - Of striking appropriateness and relevance

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