Life & Times - Kris24

By Kristofer

Grumpy Me...

Last night I had a DISASTER my laptop and external hard-drive both decided that they were going to take the complete p**s off of me and break....

I stayed up until the darkness of night started to become day light... So today I was very irritable and had a grump at pretty much everything:

+ The snow
+ My Tiredness
+ People
+ Vodafone
+ Society

( Poor mum had to listen to it all.....Sorry Mum )

Today's BLIP is what started my grump about society and people...

The trolley-bay at the supermarket has 4 bays for 2 different types of trolley... But the lazy Feckers just piled in trolley after trolley even though they were now out of the bay and starting to cover the road....

The sad thing is that people would continue just to pile them up and not care about covering the road.... Has life got so bad that only the "Wee man" is the only one with the Sense to use the other lanes! And that blocking the car park road is not a good idea....

+Think I may be getting old....

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