With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Boom boom

I let one of my pupils free with my camera during the lesson and she got some cracking shots of me and the students watching. I can't really post one to protect the (not so) innocent, but what a shame. There were some fabulous expressions, and I'm pleased to say nearly all of fascination and concentration. This is one I took of them getting stuck in. They get a lot out of these lessons I think. Real life is so much better than text books.

Otherwise, the usual chop, chop, busy, busy, work, work and almost bang, bang chicken for dinner at the end of it all.

And Agu's homework was to write a joke down to take into school for Friday. Ben's suggestion...

Two cats in a yard. One starts barking. "What ARE you doing?" asks the other. The first replies, "Learning languages".

Loses a little in translation, but not bad for 9. The chosen one doesn't translate at all but Little Agu's favourite....

Why do dogs carry bones in their mouths?
Because they don't have pockets.

"Boom boom!" as Basil would say.

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