Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack


The Jelly Song

2, 4, 6, 8, tell me what is on your plate, Jelly!
We're going to have some jelly ,hurray hurray,
We're going to have some jelly ,hurray hurray,
Jelly for your dinner, jelly for your tea,
Jelly jelly in your belly hip hip hip hurray.

2, 4, 6, 8, tell me what is on your plate, beans!
We're going to have some beans, hurray hurray,
We're going to have some beans, hurray hurray,
Beans for your dinner, beans for your tea,
Beans, Jelly jelly in your belly hip hip hip hurray.......
Jelly Belly

We sing this occssionally at work, but only if it's a quiet day .... the idea is to go round every child and ask what they like to eat and by the end of the song you have a list of every child's fave food and then " .... and jelly in your belly, hip, hip, hip hooray"

You try memorising 18 different foods! :D

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